Finding The Meaning of Compulsive Personality Traits
I came across something the other day that perfectly expresses my own thoughts about the...
I came across something the other day that perfectly expresses my own thoughts about the...
People with obsessive-compulsive personality and obsessive-compulsive personality disorder (OCPD) are driven to be as productive...
A longstanding source of sanity and serenity for me has been Jane English’s beautiful edition...
One way to free ourselves from unhealthy compulsive behavior is to understand our motivations, what drives and actually controls us. While we’re all unique, there are ancient and common patterns that underlie the roles we take on in life such as mother, father, warrior, healer, savior, priest, jester, caretaker and leader. These patterns are known as archetypes, and they’re illustrated in myths and symbols. These patterns exert a magnetic influence that can give us intuitive guidance and energy to help us do what we need to do. Or they can drag us into a perpetual rut of expectations and despair. Heroic energy can flow freely like water, or be frozen and rigid like ice.
People who are compulsive and perfectionistic struggle mightily with disorder and unresolved situations. These may...
[Available in audio format at Google Podcasts and Apple, and Spotify.] As I’ve gotten to...
Recognizing OCPD and The Driven Personality A woman who recently realized that she had OCPD...
Look closely at any conflict with a critical partner, and you’ll usually see certain roles...
Living like no-one is watching, authenticity, is both profoundly satisfying and painfully naïve at the...
Constance was meticulous in everything she did. She was famous, and at times infamous, for...
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© 2025 · Gary Trosclair, The Healthy Compulsive Project